О компании

We have endeavored to create architectural value by quarrying, manufacturing, distributing and installing selective pieces of natural stone since 1993. Operating in such a rich business environment, we have the privilege of working with many great architects, top construction companies, industry-expert distributors and professional fabricators.

Operating on multiple verticals gives us a distinctive advantage for successful completion of demanding projects. Having a strong supply chain from the quarry all the way to the job site lets us realize many great projects on schedule and on budget. We source our blocks from our own quarries as well as far corners of the world through long-established relationships with the best professionals in the industry.

Our primary manufacturing facility in Isparta along with our factories in Demre and Aksu are capable of delivering virtually any project of all size and complexity. Our diversified machinery park is designed to manufacture standard and cut-to-size tiles, slabs as well as traditional and waterjet mosaics, moldings, pavers and copings as well as three-dimensional works of art such as arches, columns, bathtubs, sinks, fireplaces, engraved surfaces on plane or curvature. Our manufacturing is designed to produce both on a small and large volume effectively.

Needless to say, the most essential factor of all is the human element. Our in-house team of expert architects and engineers lets us realize any project quickly and accurately. Their architectural analysis and shop drawings work hand in hand with the project’s design directives. We focus on the long term success. Our business partners rely on us for product availability, price sustainability and top quality. For over 25 years, we strive to surpass their expectations with top-of-the-line products and exceptional customer service.

Метамар производит мраморные изделия и находится в Турции.
Метамар активно работает в России и странах СНГ, по этому ищет рабочих которые обладают русским и английским языком. У нас есть вакансии в сфере маркетинга и специалиста по контролю проектов. Нам нужны рабочие которые будут помогать нам в этой сфере.


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